To My Friends, From Curt: Welcome to 2019!

Curt Columbus 1/11/19 Welcome to the start the 2019 part of your 2018-19 Season and to our production of Marcus...

Macbeth First Rehearsal

1/10/19  Maxwell Snyder, our Marketing Intern, sat in on design presentations from the first rehearsal of the upcoming production of...

Updates and Thanks from Trinity Rep’s Executive Director Tom Parrish

Tom Parrish 9/26/18 As we embark on a new season of world-class theater and educational programming, I felt it important...

New Play Workshops at Trinity Rep

9/17/18 Since most of the company is away during the summer doing amazing things (for example, Charlie Thurston performed in...

Othello Through the Centuries

3/5/2018 by Braxton Crewell and Michael Guy Trinity Rep's 1999 production of Othello featured Jennifer Mudge and John Douglas Thompson...

Shakespeare’s Terrible Triangle of Deception and Love

2/19/18 by Braxton Crewell About a month before rehearsals began for Othello, Braxton Crewell posed three questions to the production’s...

First Rehearsal: Othello

2/8/2018 by Jessica Lanman It’s a hike to the Nelson Rehearsal Hall, over three flights of stairs from the ground...

Timeless Text, Timeless Issues

2/6/2018 Trinity Rep’s Braxton Crewell recently posed a few questions to Brown/Trinity Rep 2015 graduate Whitney White about the production...