Where are They Now? Interns Return to Trinity rep for Into the Breeches!

2/16/2018 by Caitlin Howle The first day of production for Into the Breeches! was not just about getting the actors...

Travel Back in Time to Providence’s Theater Past

2/13/2018 by Maurice Decaul and Michael Guy with information from the Providence Public Library’s Rhode Island Theatre Collection, curated by...

Rolling Up Their Sleeves and Digging In

1/31/2018 Before rehearsals began for Into the Breeches!, Trinity Rep’s Braxton Crewell asked resident actors Anne Scurria and Phyllis Kay to...

Into the Prologues

1/22/2018 Rebecca Noon is the Community Engagement Coordinator of Trinity Rep, and runs the Prologue program. Last year at Trinity...

5 Things You Can Do to Start Your New Year Off Right

1/8/2018 New Year, new you! Right? Well this year Trinity Rep is looking at all the things you can do...

To my friends, from Curt: Tragedy Plus Time

1/3/2018 Every week on the Trinity Rep blog we have a quick note, thought, idea, or message from our Arthur...

Into the Breeches! — An inside look at first rehearsal

1/2/2018 The room was packed as staff members, guests, subscribers, and our wonderful acting company took their seats to prepare...