With the start of our 2019-20 Season comes our new class of interns (or “Trinterns” as they’re affectionately called). This year we’ll be sitting down with each of them to get to know a little bit more about who they are, where they come from, and why they decided on an internship at Trinity Rep.
Up first is our marketing intern, Audrey Rowland.

Audrey is originally from Madison, New Jersey and just graduated (in May!) from Oberlin College. She designed her own major in Arts Management and Hispanic Studies.
Our digital marketing coordinator, Caitlin Howle, sat down with Audrey:
Caitlin: Welcome to Trinity Rep! Now, the question on everyone’s mind when you’re just entering the workforce – what do you want to be when you grow up?
Audrey: I want to work in arts marketing – but honestly, my ultimate goal is to someday be a Tony Awards voter.
Caitlin: So, why did you take this internship? Why Trinity Rep?
Audrey: It seemed like a great opportunity to contribute to a theater that does great work and work that I admire. I think there’s a lot I can learn from it, and I’m excited to see what experience I can gain from the internship.
Caitlin: Great. What’s your favorite theatrical production – current or not?
Audrey: Oh that’s hard, if I had to pick one I’d say it’s Hadestown because every year for my birthday my parents and I go to see a show in New York, and this was the last one I saw. It was the last show before I was going to graduate college and it felt like the end of something and the start of something at the same time. Plus, it’s just a great show – I had no idea it was going to go on to be something. The air was electric that night. And we had the best soup dumplings right before!
Caitlin: Oh, food! Let’s talk food – what’s your favorite food?
Audrey: Anything that I didn’t have to cook.
Caitlin: Ha! What’s your favorite TV show?
Audrey: Gilmore Girls– but not the reboot that happened on Netflix. Original only, thanks. Shout to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, too, though.
Caitlin: What are your hobbies?
Audrey: I love to read and write, and I’m also really big into making crafts. Right now I’d say it’s bookbinding and knitting.
Caitlin: Have you ever bound a book with something you knitted?
Audrey: Yeah! My favorite example is a final project I did in a class, I bound the first story I ever had published, and I traced illustrations for it. I also made a book of collages with maps in it of cities I’ve gotten lost in, which is actually everywhere I’ve ever been.
Caitlin: What does theater mean to you? Why is it important?
Audrey: It’s a place where you can tell and hear stories in a room full of other people who are invested in the same things you are. It’s an open space; everyone is there to have a moment together.
Caitlin: I love that. What are you most looking forward to this 2019-20 Season at Trinity Rep?
Audrey: I can’t wait to see Sweat – I loved reading it and I wonder what it’ll look like on stage. I’ve also never been at a theater with a repertory company, so I can’t wait to see what they are going to do.
Caitlin: The company is amazing, and they are really the kindest people in the world. Since you’re coming from New Jersey and Ohio by the way of Oberlin, what do you think of Providence so far?
Audrey: I really like it! Coming from a college in a small town, there are just so many things to do here. The first weekend I was here, I went to WaterFire and it took my breath away. I can’t wait to see what else the city has in store.
Caitlin: And last, but not least, what’s a fun fact about you?
Audrey: I’m missing a knuckle on each hand. Seriously, I only have four and four. Someone had to point it out to me in high school before I noticed it, though. Now it’s my fun party trick.