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March 27, 2025 - April 27, 2025

La Tempestad — The Tempest

By William Shakespeare
Adapted and translated by Orlando Hernández, Tatyana-Marie Carlo, and Leandro "Kufa" Castro
Directed by Christie Vela
March 27 – April 27, 2025
Presented in English and Spanish, with subtitles for both languages

Experience the magic of a reimagined classic

Shakespeare’s familiar story of magic, betrayal, comedy, and love is told through a compelling mix of The Bard’s classic English, translated Spanish dialogue, and projected subtitles so you can understand it all. La Tempestad — The Tempest purposefully weaves two languages to deconstruct the colonialist narratives, all while retaining the shipwreck, romance, magic, and fantasy that make Shakespeare’s final play so beloved. Originally presented in 2018 as a touring Teatro en El Verano production, La Tempestad is the first to transfer to Trinity Rep’s main stage!  

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La Tempestad — The Tempest

Experimente la magia de un clásico reinventado

La conocida historia de Shakespeare sobre magia, traición, comedia y amor se cuenta a travésde una combinación cautivadora del inglés clásico del Bardo, diálogos traducidos al español ysubtítulos proyectados para que todos puedan entenderla. La Tempestad — The Tempest entrelazaintencionalmente dos idiomas para deconstruir las narrativas colonialistas, mientras conserva elnaufragio, el romance, la magia y la fantasía que hacen que la última obra de Shakespeare sea tanquerida. Presentada originalmente en 2018 como una producción itinerante de Teatro en El Verano, La Tempestad es la primera en trasladarse al escenario principal de Trinity Rep.

Haga clic aquí para ver los avisos de contenido de este programa


Cast & Creative

Gloria Vivica Benavides
Rudy Cabrera
Alexander Crespo-Rosario II
Mauro Hantman
Lily Kops
Marcel Mascaró
Justin Mitchell
Bill Mootos
Adrian Peguero
Alison Russo
Antonio/Understudy for Prospero
Anne Scurria
Lorraine Guerra
Understudy for Caliban
Victor Machado
Understudy for Alonso and Gonzalo
Ashley Soto
Understudy for Miranda and Antonio
Natán Rodrigues Ferreira
Understudy for Sebastian and Trinculo
Andrés Molano Sotomayor
Understudy for Ariel and Ferdinand
Marina Tejada
Understudy for Stephano/Boatswain


Orlando Hernández
Tatyana-Marie Carlo
Leandro Kufa Castro
Christie Vela
Daniel Begin
Assistant Director
Dahlia Al-Habieli
Scenic Designer
Yvonne Miranda
Costume Designer
Carolina Ortiz Herrera
Lighting Designer
John M. Flores
Sound Designer
Tláloc López-Watermann
Projection Designer
Mark Rose
Fight Choreographer
Jackie Davis
Movement & Intimacy Coordinator
Cynthia Santos DeCure
Vocal & Dialect Coach
Dante Flores
Anaïs Bustos
Stage Manager
Mya Piccione
Assistant Stage Manager