By Charles Dickens Original music by Richard Cumming
Directed by Kate Bergstrom
New England’s favorite family holiday tradition
Celebrating 42 years at Trinity Rep, Rhode Island’s family holiday tradition brings Ebenezer Scrooge, Jacob Marley, Tiny Tim, and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future to the stage in a glorious re-telling of the classic story that has delighted and inspired millions.
Buy early for best seats and prices.
This year’s production of A Christmas Carol is dedicated to Stephen Hamblett and Nick Cardi.
"Jude Sandy’s take on cantankerous Ebenezer Scrooge will make you laugh, make you cry, and bring home the spirit of this magical holiday that has lost so much to commercial trappings."
"There's everything you could wish for in this holiday production: fine acting, terrific direction, marvelous dancing, fabulous costumes, great singing, gorgeous music, splendid sets, howling winds, clunking chains, smoke and mist, a flying bed, snow, humor, charm, fun, surprises, adorable children, laughter, silliness and lots of hope and good will."
"Jude Sandy takes the audience along on his masterful metamorphosis from cranky, unfeeling miser to playful, delightful child...and it's a wonderful journey to join!"
It’s a cold, Christmas Eve night in Dickensian London. Ebenezer Scrooge, the miserly businessman, continues to work away from the holiday merriment with his clerk, Bob Cratchit. Scrooge’s niece, Frederika, enters the office to invite him to Christmas dinner with her family. Scrooge turns her down without even a “Merry Christmas.” Scrooge leaves his office for the London street scene. There are children singing carols and people begging Scrooge for money. As he walks home, he begins to hear the voice of his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley. Scrooge arrives home, scared and startled, and tries to convince himself that the voices were only his imagination. But soon the ghost of Marley appears to warn him that he will be visited by three spirits and that Scrooge must listen to them if he wants to escape his fate. Even though Scrooge doesn’t believe what he sees or hears, later that night the Ghost of Christmas Past appears. The spirit shows Scrooge images from his childhood and young adulthood, including moments with his sister Fan, his first employer Mrs. Fezziwig, and a painful memory with his fiancée, Belle, who left him because he cared for his money more than her. Soon the Ghost of Christmas Present arrives and shows Scrooge Bob Cratchit’s tiny home on this Christmas Day. Cratchit enters carrying his son, Tiny Tim, on his shoulders and singing. The spirit tells Scrooge that unless the future changes, Tiny Tim will die. The ghost also shows Scrooge his niece Frederika’s house, where the assembled are playing games and making fun of Scrooge. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come finally appears. They don’t speak to Scrooge, only showing him several conversations where people discuss the death of a lonely old miser. The spirit shows the dead man’s clothes and items being sold. The last stop is Scrooge’s own tombstone, where he realizes that the lonely man’s whose death is being celebrated is his own. Scrooge vows to change his ways. He honors Christmas Day when he wakes up in the morning, spreading through generosity and kindness. With a newly-warmed heart, Scrooge brings a large turkey and warm greetings to the Cratchit home before joining his niece Frederika and her Lucy for Christmas dinner. Never again does Scrooge ignore the joys of the holiday spirit.