Marcel Mascaró

Trinity Rep: Tiny Beautiful Things, Like Sheep to Water, or Fuente Ovejuna. Teatro en El Verano: Tanta Bulla…Y Pa’ Qué?/Much Ado About Nothing, La Tempestad, Romeo & Juliet. Other Theaters: Antigonx, The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Heart, The Red Bike, Miss You Like Hell, Wilbury Theatre Group; Twelfth Night, Thrive, Or What You Will, American Shakespeare Center; Sotto Voce, Asolo Rep. Directing: Wolf Play, We’re Gonna Die, Wilbury Theatre Group; ¡Alguien Más!, Romeo & Juliet (with Tyler Dobrowsky), Teatro en El Verano. Playwriting: Romeo & Juliet, La Mancha, Teatro en El Verano. Education: BFA, SUNY Purchase; MFA, Brown/Trinity Rep. Other: Marcel is a nonbinary, Cuban American theater maker and teaching artist based in Providence, RI. They are a resident artist at the Wilbury Theatre Group and Rhode Island Latino Arts. 

Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto 

Me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto 

Así yo distingo dicha de quebranto 

Los dos materiales que forman mi canto 

Y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto 

Y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto.