Much Ado About Nothing | Tanta Bulla… ¿Y Pa’ Qué?

5/7/19Caitlin Howle sat down with Tatyana-Marie Carlo and Orlando Hernández, part of the team behind this year’s Teatro en El...

Looking Forward to the 2019-20 Season

5/7/19Trinity Rep staff share what shows in the upcoming season they are most excited about. By Kate Brandt. The 2019-20...

Tom Parrish on “Marisol”

Tom Parrish 5/7/19 This season — featuring stories of gods and demons, angels and icons — was larger than life,...

To My Friends, From Curt: Marisol

Artistic Director, Curt Columbus 5/1/19 Dear friends, Welcome to the final play of our 2018-19 season, Jose Rivera’s contemporary American...

Sitting Down with Our Sensory Friendly Coordinators

4/25/19Digital Marketing Coordinator Caitlin Howle and Marketing Intern Maxwell Snyder sat down with Dan Boyle and Daniel Perkins, our two...

Marisol’s First Rehearsal

4/24/19Maxwell Snyder, our Marketing Intern, sat in on the first rehearsal of Marisol, our final show of the 2018-19 Season. Fresh...

Five Questions for Ted Chylack

4/3/19 Ted Trinity Rep’s former House Manager, Ted Chylack, is back but working his magic from inside Audrey Two. What...

“We All Have the Potential… To Be Angels.”

Caitlin Howle 4/3/19 Caitlin Howle, Trinity Rep’s digital marketing coordinator, had a chat recently with resident company member Mia Ellis....

To My Friends, From Curt: Little Shop of Horrors

Curt Columbus 4/3/19 Welcome to Trinity Rep’s production of Little Shop of Horrors! I know many in our audience have...

From the Executive Director: Subscribe & Save to Our 2019-20 Season!

Tom Parrish 4/3/19 By Tom Parrish The flowers and plants of Mushnik’s “Skid Row” Florists remind us that spring is...