The Faces of Trinity Rep: Amanda Downing Carney

Caitlin Howle, our digital marketing coordinator, recently took some time to talk with Amanda Downing Carney, our Costume Shop Director....

A Chat with Phyllis Kay

Phyllis Kay Resident acting company member Phyllis Kay has been with Trinity Rep for almost thirty years. Her first show...

Sitting Down With Our Interns: Joi Wright

Although our 2019-20 Season interns have returned home due to COVID-19, we still want to introduce you to them to...

Theater Viewing Resources

As of 4/24/2020 Check out these links to see Broadway shows from home. Love Never Dies – free starting 4/24 for 48...

Sitting Down With Our Interns: Ashmita Malkani

Although our 2019-20 Season interns have returned home due to COVID-19, we still want to introduce you to them to...

The 2020-21 Season: Notes from Curt Columbus

Curt Columbus Dear Friends,I am thrilled to be sharing with you the lineup of your 2020-21 Season. While many aspects of...

Stephen Thorne and Trinity Rep

Stephen Thorne Stephen Thorne came to Trinity Rep during the 2000-01 Season when he was invited by then-Artistic Director Oskar...

These Days by Miranda Rose Hall

Here is an original poem by one of Trinity Rep's commissioned playwrights, Miranda Rose Hall. We will produce a world...

A Note from Angela Brazil

April 3, 2020 Dear Community, Angela Brazil, Director of the Brown/Trinity MFA Program Brown/ Trinity Rep returned from Spring Break...

Stephen Berenson: A (Brief) History

We're back with our weekly series on our resident company members, this week featuring Stephen Berenson! Stephen has been a...