Trinity Rep’s 40th production of A Christmas Carol has started rehearsals, and we all couldn’t be more excited!

In the first rehearsal, we got a sneak peak at Costume Designer Toni Spadafora‘s ideas for this year’s production via her costume renderings. Costume renderings are hand sketches of the costumes done by the designer to get the idea of the shape, color, and even texture of the pieces. Below, you can see some of Toni’s amazing renderings, where she occasionally included fabric samples, and inspirational pictures.

Enjoy this sneak peak into what A Christmas Carol costumes are shaping up to be this year, and come see the show to see the final product for yourself!

We hope you enjoyed the renderings! Tickets for A Christmas Carol can be purchased from the show page, or right here. The show runs November 9 – December 31, 2017.

We look forward to seeing you at the theater!