David Bertoldi

Trinity Rep: Dr. Freitas et. al, La Broa’ (Broad Street), u/s Eric Glass, The Inheritance, Part One. Brown/Trinity Rep: Snelgrave, One Flea Spare, Cloten/Cymbeline, Imogen Project, Dally, Wall of Death, (Writing is Live). Other Theaters: Henry VI, Henry VI Part 2, Albany/Oswald, King Lear, Don Bowman, The Waverly Gallery, Mr. Knightley, Emma (staged reading), Mr. Wickham, Pride & Prejudice (staged reading), Berowne, Love Labor’s Lost, Oberon, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo, Romeo & Juliet, Shakespeare & Company; Tommy McCorkle, Pterodactyls, Antonio, The Tempest, GhostLit Rep; Calvin, REALLY (reading), WAM Theatre; Prudblood, Waste, Fraud and Abuse,  13th Street Rep. Lots of love and gratitude to my family, B/T ’25, and Erin.